Civic Shakespeare Mission

To Produce Highly Entertaining Shakespeare

We want to offer plays by William Shakespeare (mostly) that are clear, interesting, and vivid. We approach Shakespeare as a dramatist first and a poet second, and we believe his plays can be highly engaging for Shakespeare aficianodos as well as those who have never seen his work.

To Develop Theatrical Craft

We will design a rehearsal and production process focused on accumulating and disseminating the art of theatrical craft. By craft we refer not only to technical expertise, but expertise in acting and directing as well. We want every artist, if he or she so desires, both to contribute to Civic Shakespeare's fund of theatrical knowledge, and to leave its productions with new or improved theatrical skills.

To Foster Local and Regional Artists

Our first priority is to work with local and regional artists. To the degree we are able to compensate artists, their pay will be proportionate to the financial success of the productions they participate in.

We will develop programs that employ local artists to educate students about Shakespeare in performance, and to provide entertainment and/or training to local businesses and other organizations.