21 Reasons to Enter the Shakespeare Video Contest

Why Should You Enter the Civic Shakespeare Video Contest?

  1. You'll be helping us reach our goal of becoming an important cultural instution while having others do all the work
  2. Because if there's one thing more thrilling than 2 1/2 hours of Shakespeare, it's 5 minutes of Shakespeare
  3. You've been cast in a Shakespeare play later this year, and this would be a great way to give the director some helpful insights
  4. We'll feel damn silly if we have more prizes to give out than contest entrants
  5. You need something on your demo reel besides auditions and that bit from Thelma and Louise you did at the workshop
  6. You always wondered what it would be like to make out with Jason, and the 'holy palmer's kiss' scene ought to do the trick
  7. You really confused the audience that time you went up on your lines in King Lear, and this is your chance to finally clear things up
  8. You still want to impress Morgan in your English class, but that Bruno Mars mashup lip-sync thing you uploaded didn't go over so well
  9. You've taken your video reinterpretation of The Princess Bride about as far as you can
  10. Our judges who teach Shakespeare are looking for new ways to approach Hamlet for the thousandth time
  11. Our judges who are critics have agreed to retract their crappy reviews of your performance in The Winter's Tale, if you do Act I Scene 3 again and this time 'lose that ridiculous accent'
  12. You can add subtitles so we will all know what the hell you are talking about
  13. contest logoDid we mention you could win hundreds of dollars?
  14. Uncle Phil will never set foot in a theatre, but you still want to convince him that you're more than 'nice, but kind of squishy'
  15. Finally, something to show for all those student loans
  16. Cue cards!
  17. You can dedicate the video to your boss and use all the scenes that have the work 'prick' in them, and he'll never catch on
  18. You know, you just know, that Jessica will go to the prom with you if only she can see you read Sonnet 29
  19. You've always suspected Shakespeare intended Hamlet to be played by a short, 52-year-old short man with a paunch, and now you can prove it
  20. You'll have something interesting to talk about at the awards/cast party on May 3
  21. You can tell your wife that you were up at 4 am visiting elizabethanundergarments.com strictly for research purposes